Lemongrass Ade
A deliciously light drink for hot days, Lemongrass Ade can be adapted so many ways!
Servings Prep Time
48oz glasses 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 2hours
Servings Prep Time
48oz glasses 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 2hours
Lemongrass base.
  • 5stalks lemongrasstough parts, shredded
  • 4quarts water
V1) Lemongrass Lemonade
  • 1/4C lemon juice
  • 1/2t honey-rind* see notes
  • 2T honeyadjust to taste
V2) Lemongrass Orangeade
  • 1C orange juicefresh is best
  • 1/2t honey-rind* see notes
  • 1T lemon juice
  • 1T honey
V3) Lemongrass Blood Orange Ade with Basil
  • 1/2C blood-orange juice
  • 1/2t honey-rind* see notes
  • 1T lemon juice
  • 1T honey
  • 5leaves Thai basil
V4) Jasmine tea with lemongrass
  • 1T dried Jasmine blossomsLook for pure blossoms at your Asian market, rather than tea mixed with blossoms
  • 1quart HOT lemongrass baseAfter straining, bring to a boil and add blossoms.
  1. Wash lemongrass carefully and remove greenest portions of dried outer leaves. (Don’t take too much!)
  2. Peel off remaining dried and woody portions of lemongrass and reserve tender inner stalks for another use.
  3. Chop coarsely and shred in blender. Cover with water and bring to a boil, then turn off.
  4. Leave lemongrass to steep in water for at least an hour. (You can put it in the fridge overnight at this point if you want — longer is better.)
  5. Strain lemongrass base, discarding solids.
  6. Choose an ingredient group (or try your own!) and stir into 1 quart of lemongrass base. Chill, if not already chilled.
  7. Adjust to taste with lemon juice and/or honey. It should be a refreshingly mild drink, so don’t make it too tart or too sweet!
Recipe Notes

Benefits: increased liquid intake, replace sugar-heavy drinks, cancer-fighting citral